Do you ever wish... you could glide side by side with a dolphin in the sea, or jump high into the skies above the waves? How about talking with them or having their sense of playful spirit, especially in the face of adversity? Surprisingly, animals and Nature can help you reach your dreams in life, such as... finding your porpoise in life, which can often feel daunting at times.
You may be wondering... how can animal sense and Nature's secrets apply to my own daily life?
Maybe you've been feeling detached, unmotivated, or discouraged... with nothing making sense, or just needing a fresh take on life. Or, you've been contemplating YOUR WHY in the big scheme of things, especially with the busy demands of modern day living.
The good news is, The Dolphin Smile is just 15 minutes a-day!
Lessons filled with waves of learning new ideas, fun exercises, and problem-solving attitudes through short and simple actions.
If you’re anything like me, situations or relationships can sometimes feel overwhelming, intimidating, or even alittle frustrating trying to figure out what to do, say, think, or feel next... let alone right now!
The truth is, you and I are probably just wanting to feel loved and accepted for just being ourselves, yet many of us starting at an early age were being taught confusing and contradicting messages.
For me, I went on a dolphin quest and 40+ years later of exploring and discovering, I can honestly say, that my best teachers have been and still are, animals and Nature... with a few remarkable humans in the midst.
This academy is for you if:
- * You're wanting to have better life connections
- * Replacing worry with wonder
- * Closer experiences with animals
- * Feeling stuck in your life
- * Having positive waves of communicating your thoughts and feelings
Here's what we'll cover...
- By the end of each course, you and fellow students will be confident Nature, animal, and people lovers.
- You’ll be able to practice these lessons while you're at work, home, and traveling about.
- You’ll also learn easy techniques to communicate better with nonhumans and humans.
- Lastly, you'll be spending less time worrying and more time WONDERING, embracing the gifts all around you, as well as your own personally gifts into new thoughts, feelings, and adventures.
Some helpful guidelines:
- Take 15 minutes a day to put aside everything else.
- Turn phone ringer off, and find a private space, inside or outdoors.
- Have a journal or pad of paper with coloring pens or pencils available to use
- Helpful Books: Dolphin Talk & We are the Ocean, book found on Amazon in ebooks or paperback (Dolphin Talk) and Ebooks less than a Starbuck's coffee or cup of tea.
- And most of all... be open to discovering more of You!
"Be yourself, everyone else is already taken" ~ Oscar Wilde
Your Instructor
Dolphingirl aka Dove Joans has spent her lifetime "cracking the dolphin code" through investigative sciences, marine biology, the arts, storytelling, animal behavioral work, acting, the healing arts, filmmaking, as well as experiences in the wild with sentient beings and Nature.
She entered their world as a solace to unkind conditions with "land living." As a child of domestic violence, she began learning the "language of silence" with animals and Nature as waves of understanding the power of love in "heart-forward" dynamics, e-motions directed in kindness, including the science behind how our universe is created.
Yes, the animal kingdom is full of amazing feelings, thoughts, pictures, memories, culture, and stories... just like you!
Her "interspecies communications" began in 1977, after an "dolphin epiphany" from listening to Roger Paine's Songs of the Humpback Whale. Remarkably, ancient memories became unlocked and a whole new world was awakened deep within her DNA.
Her mission is sharing the love, compassion, and scientific discoveries from the "conscious breathers" to humanity, as well as the secrets that Nature is always offering us. Waves of bringing the dolphin smile back into your life, including regeneration for our planet's future!
Course Curriculum
Frequently Asked Questions
Thank-you for being an essential part of our journey together!